Green says removal of GCT on the importation of some animals is to improve country’s breeding stock

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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McKenzie says Jamaicans should not take mercies bestowed upon them in 5.6 magnitude quake for granted

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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NRSC calls for greater focus on tackling road deaths in some sections of the island

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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More effort to be placed on reading programmes as they positively impact students’ behaviour -Fayval

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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Jamaica’s Basil Watson wins UK’s 2023 PSSA Marsh Award for most popular new sculpture shortlisted

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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Agriculture Minister welcomes decision to appeal suspended sentence handed down to a man convicted of praedial larceny 

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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74-year-old man suspected to have drowned in water tank at his home at Grier Fields, St. Ann 

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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Agriculture Minister, Floyd Green to table amendments to Agriculture Produce Act this month to clamp down on praedial larceny

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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Motive not yet established for shooting incident yesterday which left 6yo Ariana Salmon and 3 others dead -SSP Ricketts

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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Tourism Minister departs Jamaica for London, England to participate in World Travel Market London

The removal of the General Consumption Tax (GCT) on the importation of some animals, is aimed at improving the country’s breeding stock.

Agriculture Minister Floyd Green says this will ultimately benefit small ruminant farmers.

He gave the explanation as he responded to concerns over government’s decision to remove the GCT on the importation of horses.

Those against the move say horses are luxury items and that those who can afford to purchase them, are able to afford the GCT.

Mr Green explained that the horses represent only a minuscule aspect of the government’s policy direction, adding that the focus is to improve the genetics of the country’s goats, sheep and pig stock for breeding purposes.

This move he said will in turn, save the country millions of dollars.

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