PSOJ calls on political directorate to refrain from politicising increase in retirement age for DPP and AuG

The Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) has called on the political directorate to refrain from politicising the constitutional amendments, for the increase of the retirement age of the director of public prosecutions and the Auditor General.

Controversy has been brewing over an amendment to the constitution, to move the age of retirement for the DPP to 65, with the option for an extension to 70 years.

This followed concerns about the extension of her tenure in 2020. However, the Full Court ruled on Monday that the extension was lawful.

In relation to the increase in retirement age, the PSOJ said the untidy management of this situation does not reflect good governance.

It said the constitution mandates that the offices of the DPP and Auditor General remain free from political interference or impediment.

Therefore, all matters about these offices must be handled with the utmost adherence to due process and impartiality.

Speaking with Irie Fm news, President of the PSOJ Metry Seaga called on the government to allow sufficient time for all required representatives to ventilate legislative matters, including public consultation.

The PSOJ said the country cannot afford to normalize consistent cases of manipulation within the legislative framework.


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