Jambar condemns comments made by Buchanan, regarding DPP

The Jamaican Bar Association, (Jambar) has added its voice to growing public condemnation of comments made by attorney at law Isat Buchanan regarding Director of Public Prosecutions, DPP, Paula Llewellyn.

The comments were made during a recent YouTube programme.

Mr. Buchanan has since apologized for the comments, and resigned as Chair of the Peoples National Party’s Human Rights Committee.

In a statement, Jambar said while Mr. Buchanan has acknowledged his grave error in making the comments, by issuing the apology and resigning as PNP Human Rights Committee Chair, these steps fall short of acknowledging the extent to which Mr. Buchanan denigrated the women of the law profession.

Jambar further noted that Mr. Buchanan’s language and tone in making the comments may have caused persons to view the legal profession in a negative light.

It said such comments by an attorney cannot be countenanced in any right thinking society or justified as freedom of speech or expression.

It said the fact that the comments were made while referencing the constitution, and seeking to diminish the office of The Director of Public Prosecutions in the eyes of the public is concerning.

Jambar pointed out that all attorneys in Jamaica are governed by the legal profession canons of professional ethics rules.

These rules set out the necessary strictures under which an attorney must practice in their chosen profession.

It said being an attorney comes with certain obligations, to include, a requirement, under the canon, to at all times, maintain the honour and dignity of the profession and abstain from behavior which may discredit the profession.

Jambar said whether Mr. Buchanan has breached the canon is a matter to be determined by the disciplinary committee of the General Legal Council, (GLC).

It said it strongly objects to any comments by an attorney that denigrates women, fellow attorneys at law, government ministers, the constitution, or member of society.

Jambar is reminding all attorneys that whether they are a member of a political party, a member of the media, or are speaking on any other platform, they remain an attorney, and are therefore duty bound by the canons of ethics, until they are decide to stop practicing law or a decision is taken by the disciplinary committee of the GLC.

It said when lawyers forget the canons while in pursuit of other objectives that they run the risk of discrediting the very profession of which they are a part.

Jambar said attorneys must hold as a central tenet that they have a collective responsibility to protect the image and reputation of the profession.

Failure to do so, will endanger continued participation in the profession.


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