Edu Min to probe claim of some high schools holding back boys to preserve yearly CXC pass mark

Education minister Fayval Williams says the ministry will be investigating claims that male students are being held back at some institutions to prevent them from sitting CXC’s C-SEC exams.

This in an effort to ensure that the school’s pass mark remains at a certain standard.

It’s reported that in one instance, a 16 year old student of an all boys institution, was reportedly held back, in the 8th grade. 

Speaking at a virtual meeting of the National Parent Teachers Association of Jamaica last evening, Mrs. Williams said she will be looking into these claims.

The minister said these incidents could be missed by education officers when they visit schools.

As such, she said the ministry will be more deliberate in ensuring that these incidents are caught.

She urged school administrators to end the practice, highlighting that the sixth form pathways programme is an option, if students do not do well in their grade 11 exit exams.


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