Pan-African lawyer Bert Samuels suggests that French Embassy foot bill to cater for Haitian refugees

Pan-African lawyer Bert Samuels has suggested that the French Embassy in Jamaica, should foot the bill for catering to the needs of Haitian refugees who flee death and destruction in their homeland.

Mr Samuels also called on the Jamaican government to abide by humanitarian, judeo-christian principles, and provide refuge for Haitians who land on Jamaica’s shores, instead of sending them back.

His comments come in the wake of reports that the third batch of Haitians, who arrived in Portland on Sunday, was repatriated.

He joined other human rights lobbyist-s and advocacy groups in condemning the action of the government, which they said contravenes international laws that Jamaica is signatory to.

Mr Samuels also pointed out that Jamaica should be more understanding of the plight being faced by Haitians, who share a similar African heritage, as well as impacts of slavery and colonialism.

He said France is partly responsible for Haiti’s predicament.

He said Jamaica should not turn away those seeking refuge amidst a humanitarian crisis.


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