PPV operators warned again about overcharging

Operators of public passenger vehicles are again being warned that overcharging fares is an offence, which attracts a hefty fine upon conviction.

It could also result in the Transport Authority revoking the operator’s licence.

This, in the wake of complaints from commuters about being overcharged, and concern that come next week, when the new increase takes effect, taxi operators will charge even more.

Government has granted a fare increase in 2 phases, with 19 percent effective October 15, and then 16 percent next year April.

Managing director of the transport authority, Ralston Smith is warning all PPV operators to abide by the prescribed fares.

He said the authority’s operations teams will be monitoring the implementation of the fare increase closely, as the entity will be taking a zero tolerance approach to the issue.

Operators found to be unlawfully deceiving passengers about the fare will be prosecuted under the Road Traffic Act and may be fined up $100,000 if convicted for the offence.

The prescribed or approved fare rate sheet is available on the authority’s website, and will be published in the local print media, as well as be distributed as a flyer throughout the regions at transportation centres by route inspectors.

The authority is urging commuters who experience overcharging to report these incidents via the authority’s website, social media platforms, and the drive safe Jamaica Travel Pal app.

Complaints about overcharging should include the vehicles licence plate number, the route for the vehicle, and the location of the incident, along with supporting photos or videos.

Commuters are being reminded that one of the dangers of using un-licenced Public Passenger Vehicles and hackney carriages being operated as route taxis, is that these operators often charge exorbitant unapproved fares.

The authority is urging commuters to only use licenced public transport vehicles which display red PPV plates and the light blue TA sticker on the windshield.


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