Holness promises improved public order and safety in 2023

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

Government to focus on crime for 2023

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

JTA president urges colleagues to petition God to address several issues affecting sector

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

Newly appointed PSOJ president says collaborative effort needed to fight crime

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

JAS president hopeful that praedial larceny will be tackled effectively in 2023

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

1,481 murders committed up to December 28

Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness says 2023 will see an improvement in public order and safety throughout the country.

In his new year’s message he notes that the new road traffic act will aid in this endeavour.

According to the prime minister, when the new road traffic act comes into effect on February 1, it will ensure among other things that pillions wear a helmet and that all bikes are sold with helmets.

He also points to the implementation of the electronic ticketing system in coming weeks.